
Way back in the hazy, early days of the internet, I ran a couple of personal fan sites where I posted fiction and other creative fannish expressions (and, yeah, we’re not gonna discuss that). This was before blogging became a thing and well before Archive of Our Own (AO3) was even a glint in anyone’s multi-fandom eyes. Several years ago I shut those sites down, partly to concentrate on writing original fiction, but mostly because I wasn’t updating them and I’d moved all my fan fiction to AO3.

So why have I created a brand new fan site? It seems I’m still fascinated with story from a fan’s perspective. So here I am. This time I’ll be blogging about what interests me in regards to all aspects of story, as well as writing the occasional piece of fan fiction.


The best way to contact me is to leave a comment on a blog post. I’ll do my best to reply, though sometimes these things slip through the cracks.

Site questions may be addressed to info @ talesfromthemultiverse.net