Re-watching Lewis

Lewis and Hathaway

I’ve started re-watching Inspector Lewis (Lewis in the UK) recently. It’s been long enough since I’ve watched it that I’ve forgotten individual program details (though rarely whodunnit). What I’m coming away with is an even deeper appreciation for this show than I had after watching it when it was first released (which is saying something).

Well written, wonderfully acted, and quietly intelligent — not to mention the lovely backdrop of Oxford — what more could you want? Lewis is thought-provoking and entertaining, without the need for blood and gore. Watching it makes me want to cry when I think of all the crap that’s pumped out to the masses today in the name of “entertainment,” bloated with jam-packed, over-the-top action scenes substituted for well-written plot and actual, you know, character development. That’s not to say that all action movies are crap — they aren’t — just that it seems like there’s an over-abundance of the “crap” versions out there these days, along with a dearth of shows like Lewis.

Oh well. If you’re looking for something intelligent to watch — and that are more subtle than the ubiquitous multi-car crash scenes or unrealistic fight scenes — I highly recommend Inspector Lewis. Watching Robbie Lewis and James Hathaway solve crimes together is a real pleasure for any mystery buff.