Re-watching Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back

Last night we watched The Empire Strikes Back, the next movie in the Star Wars chronological timeline after the original Star Wars (aka A New Hope).

This is not a review and it isn’t meant to rain on anybody’s opinion of this movie – it’s simply an attempt to articulate my own feelings about it. Your mileage may most definitely vary.

I saw The Empire Strikes Back in the first week of its release in theaters in May 1980. I was living in a small town at the time and no one I knew there was a Star Wars fan, so I went to see it on my own and without being spoiled for its plot twist (also remember there was no internet at the time). I was so blown away by what I’d seen that I went back within a few days to watch it again.

Warning! Spoilers Below (if there can be such a thing as spoilers for a movie released in 1980).

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