Re-watching Star Wars – The Force Awakens

The Force Awakens

Last night we watched The Force Awakens, the next movie in the Star Wars chronological timeline after Return of the Jedi.

This is not a review and it isn’t meant to rain on anybody’s opinion of this movie – it’s simply an attempt to articulate my own feelings about it. Your mileage may most definitely vary.

I went to see The Force Awakens at the theater with mixed emotions – hopeful that it would rekindle the spark of the Star Wars original trilogy, and fearful that it might fall even farther short of the mark than the prequel movies. I was thrilled to have my hope rewarded. I’ve watched The Force Awakens multiple times since then, and I’ve enjoyed it more each time. It really did re-awaken my love of Star Wars.

Warning! Spoilers Below (if there can be such a thing as spoilers for a movie released in 2015).

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