Re-watching Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker

The Rise of Skywalker

Yesterday we watched The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie (so far) in the Star Wars chronological timeline after The Last Jedi. It’s been an interesting experience watching all 11 movies in chronological order in a relatively short time frame. It’s allowed me to see and understand connections between characters and movies that I hadn’t before, and I highly recommend it.

This is not a review and it isn’t meant to rain on anybody’s opinion of this movie – it’s simply an attempt to articulate my own feelings about it. Your mileage may most definitely vary.

The last time I saw The Rise of Skywalker was when I saw it at the theater, but I honestly didn’t remember anything other than a couple of brief scenes. I do remember coming away from the movie being a bit baffled, but that’s about it. So the only thing I brought into the re-watch was the suspicion that the movie was hamstrung from the start simply because it followed the story disaster that was The Last Jedi. I’m willing to forgive a lot because of that.

Warning! Spoilers Below (if there can be such a thing as spoilers for a movie released in 2019).

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